Changes, both internal and external are driven by motivation to alter the self. Consciously or unconsciously. I've set out on a mission, to change the way the world functioned. To give innocence a chance to uproot hypocrisy, to give way to life in perfection.
Conceptually this seems like a noble mission, ideally it seems obnoxious.
Acceptable societal behavior, acceptable norms,customs and attitudes are decided by masses or micro-masses. Communities that function both together and loosely connected by ideas that are popular to the whole or to the micro-societies. Then of course, there are those who operate on conviction and self engineered value systems that are wholly/mostly uninfluenced by anyone but themselves. So these people who live on their own terms, would ideally be driven by themselves and unchanged by the acceptance or rejection by society. That is,anyone's admiration/hatred for the way you live would not make a difference to you because that is how you choose to function and that is who you choose to be.
Ironically, I could never teach my children to create a set of their own values. But I could lead them on the path to realise the importance of the same. Which brings you to the question, can I be that person myself? Can I be the one who does not care whether the world loves her or hates her. Can I be the person who lives solely for the gratification of the moment and not the future. For the self and noone else.
Romanticism is again one thing that drives me into these loopy subjects. There is perfection in the most divinely disturbing things. There is art even in the most grimiest of pictures, and love in the most scandalous of affairs. I've struggled over and again to understand the way the world functions, the way I function. But there isn't any point trying to analyse, to dig out a truth that doesn't exist in absolutes. For truth is an edgy subject.
The hardest admission is that perspectives of the same object often differ in great measures even amongst the most similar people. That there is no superlative. That nearly everything beautiful is ugly, everything sincere is dishonest, that everything perfect is dented.
But yet, that nagging feeling. That even boats with holes sail, that hope is for tomorrow, that faith is a liar. that life is a lot simpler one moment at a time.
Yet it is hard not to dream about a tomorrow.